Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes” says they can win 270 even without PA and FL

Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes” says they can win 270 even without PA and FL


Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes” says they can win 270 even without PA and FL

これを日本語で訳すと、バイデンのマネージャーでJen O’Malley Dillonが、バイデン氏が激戦州である「ペンシルヴァニア」や「フロリダ」で負けても、勝利確定する270に到達する道はあるから続けていると述べている。



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